When the mango trees go off at The Farm at Hōkūala, they go OFF. With such a surplus of fresh mango in the summer, we make it our mission to find as many ways to use the fruit as possible to avoid unnecessary waste. One of our favorite uses for our mangoes is a refreshing smoothie – perfect for breakfast or a snack on a hot day.


Feel free to substitute frozen mango as it is picked at the peak of freshness and the flavors can transport you from wherever you are to back here at Timbers Kaua’i. If you are able to get fresh mangoes, here are some tips to make your smoothie-making experience easier:

  • CHECK THAT YOUR MANGO IS RIPE – Of course you want the fruit to be at peak juiciness before making your smoothie. Here is how to check:
    1. Give it a squeeze – A ripe mango should be soft to the touch. If you press on it gently with your fingers the skin of the mango should yield slightly, and a dent should appear from your finger. If not, leave to ripen a bit longer.
    2. Give it a whiff – A ripe mango should have a sweet aroma.
    3. Give it a once-over – A visual check will help you conclude whether a mango is ripe or not. The flesh of the mango around the stalk should appear firm and the stalk should protrude outwards. Ripe mangoes are generally more vibrant in color as well – anything from green to reddish orange can be ripe depending on the variety.
  1. Cut the sides away from the pit
  2. Make crosswise cuts in the flesh
  3. Cut or peel the segments away
  4. Cut away the pit


  • Pulp of one large, ripe mango (usually 1 cup)
  • 8 oz coconut water, preferably freshly poured from a chilled coconut
  • 3 ounces Greek yogurt
  • 1 ounce farm fresh honey
  • Juice of ½ a lime
  • ½ cup ice cubes
  • 8 mint leaves


  1. Add all to a powerful blender and spin until smooth.
  2. Enjoy!