Aloha is Openness

The meaning of openness: accepting people or things as they are without judgement

Openness as expressed in everyday life: Being ‘olu ‘olu (nice) to a new ‘ohana (family) in the neighborhood even if they look or talk differently than you. Be accepting of everyone even if it feels new or different to you.

What openness means to you: “One of the wonderful things about Aloha is that it has so many meanings with so many levels. Openness is one of those meanings.

One of the things I’ve found here in my time in Hawaii is that openness is more than a concept. It is a way of life here in Hawaii. It’s a way of living, it’s a way of greeting people, it’s a way of interacting with people and it’s a way of being able to express all of the values of aloha.

It’s a way of understanding the island, it’s a way of appreciating the island, it’s a way of appreciating the people that are here on the island and each other.” – Ed Sancious, Housekeeping Manager at Timbers Kauai